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Tickle a Stranger?

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I personally would not tickle a stranger. I don't have the guts and I'm happily married. But if someone else has the guts and doesn't get a negative reaction I don't see why the morality police should say its wrong. If I ever did tickle a stranger I definitely wouldn't post it here. This board seems a bit judgmental. And all this talk of violence is laughable. I wonder if these people have ever been in a fight and understand the risk you take when a confrontation turns physical. If I'm gonna risk my life or risk going to jail it's gonna need to be over more then what theoretically could have been a honest mistake.
RavensFan52 said:
I personally would not tickle a stranger. I don't have the guts and I'm happily married. But if someone else has the guts and doesn't get a negative reaction I don't see why the morality police should say its wrong.

If a guy sat next to you, stroked your inner thigh (for a "harmless" two seconds), because he is gay and finds your legs paticularly attractive, how would you feel? I understand that you find it laughable to think of violence in that case, but wouldn't you think that guy had crossed a line? Maybe it would be a good idea in general for guys when discussing acts done by men to women, to imagine how they would feel if a gay guy did a similar thing to them.

And btw, not getting a negative reaction can never be an excuse or justification for a sexual assault.

RavensFan52 said:
If I'm gonna risk my life or risk going to jail it's gonna need to be over more then what theoretically could have been a honest mistake.

I agree with you on this one; I would most probably not react with violence to a single occurrence as described, in particular if an "honest mistake" can not be excluded. Nonetheless, when discussing the morality of the described hypothetical behaviour it makes no sense to assume an honest mistake, because in this case we know that the "mistake" was a lie.
I'm entirely sick and tired of people saying "an innocent stroke to the sole is not like grabbing your boobs" YES IT IS- you are invading MY personal space for YOUR sexual gratification

I totally agree with you here.

... intentionally set out to do this then ATTEMPT to bullshit your way out of it by lying about why you've put your hands on someone. It's entirely insane.

THIS in particular! @Bassman: Why would you invent this lie other than to make yourself not appear creepy? And in turn, what does that make you in the eyes of those who know about the lie, including yourself?

@ Bassman:

bassman34472 said:
did I ever even remotely imply that I had this thought as a result of "sexual gratification"

Yes you did:

bassman34472 said:
drooling for 2 hours pretending to read a book while this chick was giving me a killer foot tease
Can she prove it, no, but it is implied its sexual or in the least wrong...yes otherwise why not ask the person if you can tickle them. Because you are worried the person would say no. Which then makes it unwanted. Which in turn makes it creepy. As for the lighten up, again you are not the one that gets to decide how the other should and will react. If you want to risk being punched in the face because that person deems it a valid reaction, go for it. But then don't bitch when your favorite shirt gets ruined with your own blood.

The fact that you stated in the very beginning that you sat there fake reading a book for 2 hours watching her "tease", one can deduct either its sexual to you and again makes it creepy or your a special kind of stupid because who would sit there for 2 hours starring at something that wasn't of keen interest to them.

Second you do not know my wife so dont patronize her by calling her dear. You do not have that right.

Harmless to you, but again the person doing it does not have the right to decide that. Otherwise nobody would go to prison for rape either.

Again the person receiving it gets to decide that, not the idiot doing it.

To an extent you are right for once. But on a train you expect it so the fact that you probably got bumped by multiple people makes it more innocent. If it were an empty car and a guy flies half away across the car to accidentally bump her, creepy. Or standing next to her in case the train stops when he could stand on the other side and be nowhere near her, again creepy. I find it hard to believe a situation would exist where a woman sitting at a book store would expect to get touched on her feet.

Well good for you. If you never get that bad reaction that gets you punched, I have a cookie waiting for you. But if you do end up in the ER with a broken nose, please promise to share your story then as well.

Wow man, such unnecessary and violent intent in your words. Did I take delight in watching her foot show that night? You bet your ass I did. Looks like from your photo album, you and your lady have foot fetishes as well. Wouldn't you have delighted in that foot show as well? You bet your ass you would. But that sure doesn't make me a creep like you are implying. You are judging. "Judge not and thou shall not be judged" Luke 6:37. You need to vent your aggressions and threats of physical violence elsewhere and on a more worthwhile subject matter.
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If a guy sat next to you, stroked your inner thigh (for a "harmless" two seconds), because he is gay and finds your legs paticularly attractive, how would you feel? I understand that you find it laughable to think of violence in that case, but wouldn't you think that guy had crossed a line? Maybe it would be a good idea in general for guys when discussing acts done by men to women, to imagine how they would feel if a gay guy did a similar thing to them.

And btw, not getting a negative reaction can never be an excuse or justification for a sexual assault.

I agree with you on this one; I would most probably not react with violence to a single occurrence as described, in particular if an "honest mistake" can not be excluded. Nonetheless, when discussing the morality of the described hypothetical behaviour it makes no sense to assume an honest mistake, because in this case we know that the "mistake" was a lie.

Lol Inner thigh is a bit much. To make it comparable lets say he poked me in the side. And no I wouldn't punch him in the face but I would ask wtf he is doing... if he says it was a mistake and he thought I was someone else then Id just accept it and move on.

your right in a way but im saying forget about what we know. If the guy says its a mistake why should he be assaulted? Lets take away the stranger thing. Say its a friend you've know for a while. You tickle her.. she says with a smile "why did you tickle me" any answer other than to "get off" is a lie. Of course you don't say that...so is that cool?
I totally agree with you here.

THIS in particular! @Bassman: Why would you invent this lie other than to make yourself not appear creepy? And in turn, what does that make you in the eyes of those who know about the lie, including yourself?

@ Bassman:

Yes you did:

What "lie" are you referring to Berlinerbaer? Are you implying that I made this entire story up? And drooling my friend was intended as a metaphor but you have taken it out of context just like this entire thread has been taken out of context. You are unjustly judging and putting your own thoughts into my words. I too am also bowing out of this conversation. This whole thread was supposed to be civil in nature but now I am finding wolves in sheep's clothing and those who have nothing better to do with their lives than to invoke wars and rumors of wars. I guess everyone on this forum should be labelled as "creeps" because we all have tickle fetishes and fantasies. Sad isn't it?
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The sad thing is, there are people out there that are so into the tickling fetish as purely a sexual experience, that they are overreacting to anything related to tickling. You have all these people saying, "but what if someone fondles your neck/back/hair or lightly strokes your inner thigh?" Seriously? You are going to equate a single quick stroke of a foot/arm/side to fondling? Get a grip. Fondling goes a certain length of time. A stroke is an instant. My goodness, it is ENTIRELY possible that someone could poke you for an instant to get your attention. It is ENTIRELY possible that someone could stroke your foot, not tickle torture, but a single stroke to get your attention, NOTHING MORE.

How often do we say vanillas do not understand the tickle fetish? That means, "vanillas" DO NOT see tickling as anything sexual, so why on Earth would you assault someone that may have mistaken you for someone else. And to the shit talking guys who say they will be violent if someone tickles their significant other. First of all, think before you strike. If someone softly touches your girlfriend's arm, which could possibly tickle to ask her for the time, you're going to strike with vengeance? Keep in mind, you may not know if that stranger is MMA/martial arts trained so they would beat your ass first. Or they may just take you to court and suing the pants off of you because you OVERREACTED. Here's how it will play out in court.

Stranger: Your honor, on the evening in question, I approached Miss X and touched her arm softly to ask her the time. Then, out of nowhere, she started screaming and yelling, then her boyfriend/husband just punched me out!

Judge: How did you touch her? Did you grab her? Did you throw her to the ground? Did you apply some pressure to where she was in pain? Did you touch her breasts, lips, private parts?

Stranger: No, I simply touched her arm like this (demonstrates) with a soft stroke.

Judge: Did you get a chance to explain yourself? I mean, for someone to attack you and scream at you, it would have to be more than a quick stroke.

Stranger: When she snapped, I tried to apologize and explain I only want the time, but then her husband comes over, calls me a creep and then just punches me in the face!

Judge: Is this true Mr and Ms. X?

Ms X: Yes it is your honor. I was standing there minding my own business when I felt this tickle on my arm.

Judge: It was a tickle?

Ms. X: Y-yes it was.

Judge: He didn't grab, pinch, strike or cause physical pain?

Ms. X: No, it was a tickle.

Judge: Did he tickle for like over 5 seconds?

Ms. X: No, it was just a quick stroke.

Judge: So why did you scream and your husband hit the plaintiff?

Ms X: Well your honor, I am really ticklish and um, well, tickling....

Judge: Go on...

Ms X: Well, he tickled me without my consent! He could have just said excuse me. Why did he have to touch me? *sob*

Judge: So, he just did a single stroke, did not grab you, cause physical pain, just a stroke that tickled you and that made you panic and fear this guy?

Ms X: Why yes! I know he did it on purpose! I bet he was waiting for the opportunity to tickle me even though we do not know each other!

Judge: And you know this how?

Ms. X: Because he tickled me! Why else would he do that? He should know that tickling strangers is a violation of personal space!

Judge: Interesting.... but let me clarify. Did he hold you and keep tickling you? Like he didn't want you to get away from him?

Ms. X: No, it was just a stroke. My husband/boyfriend doesn't like someone other than him tickling me, so he defended my honor.

Judge: Is this true Mr. X?

Mr X: Yes!!!! NO ONE TICKLES MY GIRL AND LIVES TO TELL ABOUT IT! Tickling can be sexual so he sexually assaulted my girl!

Judge: Tickling is sexual?

Mr X: For me and Ms X, it is....

Judge: What about a parent tickling their baby?

Mr X: Well, that's different! He is a stranger, tickling my girlfriend! Same exact thing as sexual assault! I had to defend her!

Judge: So he did a quick stroke to get her attention, and you AUTOMATICALLY assumed he did it on purpose just for sexual reasons?

Mr and Ms X: YES!!!

Judge: You don't think you may have overreacted?

Mr X: Of course not! ANYTIME a stranger tickles another stranger, even if it is one single stroke, it is sexual assault in our eyes! It is the same thing as if he fondled her breasts!

Judge: Ah, I see....

Mr X: So I had to do what I had to do. Defend her honor! He should be arrested!

Judge: Over a stroke? That he says all he wanted to do was ask the time?

Mr X: He didn't want the time! He just wanted to tickle my girl!

Judge: Can you see that you may have possibly overreacted?

Mr X: No way! Tickling is sexual in our eyes so ANY tickle is sexual intent!

Judge: oooooooooooookay! I have heard enough. I rule in favor of the plaintiff. To the defendants, I suggest you calm down a bit. Not everyone, I dare to say, the MAJORITY of people on God's green Earth do not view a simple, attention stroke, even if it may have tickled, sexual assault. Calm down ok? You are lucky the plaintiff didn't have a gun. Then it would have been self defense for him. This court is adjourned!!!

Any questions?
Not necessarily equating but simply using those non-sexual body parts as an example (because it seems sexual body parts make it an entirely different story, although I think a stranger's entire personal space should be respected), I was trying to make the point that each individual person may have a certain way in which they wouldn't want to be touched by a stranger (accidental and emergencies aside) and you should consider how you would feel if you were on the receiving end of unwanted touching you personally might find offensive. I think the length of time is completely missing the point that what really matters is that someone may not like being touched by a stranger, period. If it does matter, though, the neck/back/hair/thigh are not sexual parts of the body, so what's the harm? Perhaps because it's unwanted? More to that point, I also think what's being confused is: accidental/mistaken touching and/or intentional touching (ex. tap on the shoulder) but for a reasonable purpose (attention or emergency) that may happen to tickle versus intentional touching (tickling or other) for nothing more than a cheap thrill, sexual or other, that was done knowingly under a false pretense of "mistake" or "accident". All that being said, I still don't agree with resorting to violence, but people should still not touch stranger's body's soley for gratification or amusement. I know that the person on the receiving end can't know what the true intent was - I'm only against the use of false pretenses to take advantage of someone, not an honest mistake or asking for the time.
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What "lie" are you referring to Berlinerbaer? Are you implying ...

We have been talking about a hypothetical situation right from the beginning, since you never really touched the woman. I am honestly almost every day in a situation where I see somebody and have a deep desire to tickle that person or provoke him to tickle me, so we are on the same page here.

My "creep" comment refers to the hypothetical situation that you had chosen to touch the woman without any communication beforehand. Lying in order to get yourself out of the situation, like someone suggested, would not improve the ethics of this behanviour in my view. I am sorry for not being clear about this in my earlier post.

I guess everyone on this forum should be labelled as "creeps" because we all have tickle fetishes and fantasies. Sad isn't it?

Maybe in the view of some. In my view there is nothing wrong with consensual actions. And neither with con or non-con fantasies.
Wow man, such unnecessary and violent intent in your words. Did I take delight in watching her foot show that night? You bet your ass I did. Looks like from your photo album, you and your lady have foot fetishes as well. Wouldn't you have delighted in that foot show as well? You bet your ass you would. But that sure doesn't make me a creep like you are implying. You are judging. "Judge not and thou shall not be judged" Luke 6:37. You need to vent your aggressions and threats of physical violence elsewhere and on a more worthwhile subject matter.

Do we have foot fetishes? Why yes we do Sherlock. And would we have delighted in the show? Possibly. But would we have sat there for 2 hours pretending to read a book just to watch her feet and create creepy fantasies in our minds? No, sorry to disappoint you, our lives are not as pathetic as yours apparently is.
Again, this is why it is an overreaction to resort to violence. We are not talking about someone pouncing on a stranger, holding them down and having your ticklish way. That should lead to violence. We are talking about a stroke. One single stroke. I noticed that people are not considering my example. What if it is mistaken identity? Not some guy who planned to tickle a stranger's foot with a quick stroke, but a person who thought the stranger was their friend and did the quick tickle? They apologize and they still get punched? That is called overreaction because you do not know the intent of the person that did the tickling. Is that hard to understand?

Apparently, primetime, while you and I understand the concept of presumed intent, it's hard for some of the people here to understand. Put simply, what we presume the other person's intent was behind an action drives our response to it. People are having a hard time with the concept of "How would I react if didn't know X?" because their minds keep screaming to them, "BUT I DO KNOW X!" That's what this mistaken identity conversation has been.

(Ever seen videos of girls laughing while getting pedicures? Did they consent to being tickled? No. Do they ever punch the pedicurist? No.)

My belief is that some of the people in this forum were emotionally and sexually abused by extreme levels of unwelcome, non-consensual tickling in childhood, and so a kind of repressed rage is still very real in their lives and becomes an open wound again when issues like this are discussed, moving the discussion away from dispassionate logic and analysis and more toward emotional reactions.

The simple fact that we're all on this board to begin with may imply that we all had some kind of tickling-related abuse in childhood, even if we don't remember it. (For the record, I did, and I remember it.) It's also clear that the severity and nature of the abuse and our different personalities mean we all handled and processed it in different ways, and so we don't respond the same way now.

All that said, I speak up when I think people have lost perspective, and I try to offer it. I felt that way about the "get consent for everything" extremists who make those statements because it's a politically correct response that they do believe when they're typing it, but don't actually follow it in their own lives, like say, in their own dates. An average person, or let's say an average cop, would not consider a half-second tickle of a stranger to be anything like the equivalent to a boob or genitals grab of a stranger. They just wouldn't. But to a small fraction of people who were severely tickle-abused as kids, they hear half-second non-consensual tickle and they process it emotionally like a genitals grab, or a rape.

Seems like there's a two-way learning moment here. It's useful for we who don't react that way to understand where their emotional adverse reactions are coming from. I think it's also useful for them to realize that most of the world simply doesn't think of tickling the way they do. They should know that to most of the world tickling is silly, funny and in small doses, not creepy nor sexual. To us, the small doses version can be used as a test to see if larger, perhaps sexual versions are welcome. It's useful for them to know that to most people in the world a half-second tickle, even if the recipient jerks or yelps from it, is utterly inconsequential.
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Do we have foot fetishes? Why yes we do Sherlock. And would we have delighted in the show? Possibly. But would we have sat there for 2 hours pretending to read a book just to watch her feet and create creepy fantasies in our minds? No, sorry to disappoint you, our lives are not as pathetic as yours apparently is.

My life is not pathetic my friend and to indicate this is a direct insult. You are a mean, degrading and severely judgmental person with no remorse whatsoever about people's feelings. Also sounds like you have major anger management issues. "Those without sin may cast the first stone" John 8:7. Grow the f*uck up and have a nice day!
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My life is not pathetic my friend and to indicate this is a direct insult. You are a mean, degrading and severely judgmental person with no remorse whatsoever about people's feelings. Also sounds like you have major anger management issues. "Those without sin may cast the first stone" John 8:7. Grow the f*uck up and have a nice day!

Don't worry about the flame-war trollers, bassman. Just congratulate him that none of his fantasies are "creepy," but his in fact reasonable, upstanding, proper fantasies worthy of a right, honorable gentleman of high social status and universal esteem. And shame on you for having fantasies that he doesn't consider acceptably dignified, in his legitimate role as the nation's fantasy arbiter. :)
The simple fact that we're all on this board to begin with may imply that we all had some kind of tickling-related abuse in childhood, even if we don't remember it. (For the record, I did, and I remember it.) It's also clear that the severity and nature of the abuse and our different personalities mean we all handled and processed it in different ways, and so we don't respond the same way now.

No. Just No. This is like saying that pickles cause communism. Why? Because at some point in their life all communists ate a pickle.

The formation of a tickling paraphilia can, and most often is 100% isolated from any traumatic childhood tickling experience. Just as the formation of almost all paraphilia are isolated from a direct 'trauma' (All these feet paraphiliacs were kicked and stomped on? All these restriction paraphiliacs were bound and gagged as children?)

No, they were not. Sexual paraphilia develop rather randomly.

Most people here were not traumatized by tickling as children. Unless you are taking the tack that any non-consesual tickling that a small child suffered is a trauma, which launches us on the path that most of us should have humiliation paraphilia, (because who among us was not traumatized by some horridly embarrassing event in our youth) or any child that received a spanking will gather a yearning for some good OTK entertainment as an adult due to the trauma of that experience.

Our sexualities are not as simple as A ---> B

What most of the 'react violently' people in this thread are speaking about is not that they are disturbed by being tickled, its that they are disturbed by having their personal space violated at a time when they have no reasonable expectation that it might. That is what bugs them, and that they feel so offended about. They feel their bodies are not things that are out there for anyone walking by to reach out and touch in any way shape or form, given that the environment is not one of confined space (an elevator, packed subway car, full dance floor) without consent. The argument they make is one based on their personal right to control access to their bodies. The reasons why are their own, and might have nothing to do with tickling. It's about having their personal space violated.

I personally despise random contact. And that is when I KNOW the person. Want to put me off? Be one of those touchy folks that just has to put your hand on my arm when you are talking to me, or randomly try to hug me when you walk up. I dislike it. And I can tell the difference between a person tapping my arm or shoulder to get my attention, and touches that are other intended. It's not hard.

Are these random tickles that the 'go for it' crowd support harmful? In and of themselves they are not. But in the context of each individual they can be. The fact that "A touch" by definition contains a giver and receiver makes it an act that is defined by not one, but two people, each with their own base motivations and histories that will inform how each interprets it. And in all these "Tickle a Stranger" posts there is a single constant. The outlook, history, and opinion of the receiver are 100% unknown. The giver cannot know what the act will 'mean' to them. And to expect that it will be non traumatic to the receiver (which it will be in upwards of 90% of the cases) is to discount the small percentage of times when it will not be a positive experience for the receiver. And in those cases the act Does harm.

Now that harm is not physical trauma, nor is it even needfully lasting mental trauma, but it is an act that alters the receivers mental state to the negative for a period, and thus has an effect on them that can be deemed 'harmful'. Most simply put, you made someone's day worse through your mindfully chosen action.

Not a huge moral crime, but still one that is not on the positive side of the moral ledger, for it's a case where you've 'done harm' in the pursuit of a personal pleasure. A small thing. But one that some folks see as important when judging a persons character and viewpoint.
My life is not pathetic my friend and to indicate this is a direct insult. You are a mean, degrading and severely judgmental person with no remorse whatsoever about people's feelings. Also sounds like you have major anger management issues. "Those without sin may cast the first stone" John 8:7. Grow the f*uck up and have a nice day!

I'm sorry you feel that calling you pathetic was a direct insult. But I have to inform you that you are wrong. I do not think it was an insult so you the receiver can not tell me it was because me the sender did not mean it that way. Kinda like you implying the person you want to playfully tickle cant be a victim and react however they choose to it, because you the tickler dont think they should feel that way either.
(Ever seen videos of girls laughing while getting pedicures? Did they consent to being tickled? No. Do they ever punch the pedicurist? No.)

The issue at hand is not the tickling. The issue is touching a stranger in an uninvited manner without the reasonable expected limits. Like earlier mentioned the crowded train, you can reasonably expect to be bumped into in that situation so when it happens you react differently then sitting at a book store where you shouldn't expect someone to touch you while you are minding your own business reading a book. The difference is the girl getting a pedicure knows she is going to be touched by a stranger. Not a girl reading a book at a bookstore. Not the same thing.

But the entire argument seems to go back to the fact that my wife said she would punch you in the face. Guess what, whether you the tickler agree it is an over reaction or not is not the point. As said many times the person getting touched has the right to react how they want. So when or if it happens that they do react that way and your favorite shirt gets bloody, do not then turn into a bitch and cry to the police that they over reacted. You are the one being creepy and disrespectful touching others for your own benefit, so when or if it goes badly, turn walk away and lick your wounds at home.
No. Just No.... The formation of a tickling paraphilia can, and most often is 100% isolated from any traumatic childhood tickling experience....
Sexual paraphilia develop rather randomly.

"Most often" "100%"?
I haven't had that statistics course. :)

"Rather randomly"? There are all kinds of direct childhood connections in this regard. Too many to count the number of people who tell of physically abusive childhoods who are now turned on by S&M. Too many to count the number of pedophiles who were sexually molested when they were children. In fact, this is next to ubiquitous in the literature:

I can easily provide ten more links if you like. None of them comport with your "100%."

What most of the 'react violently' people in this thread are speaking about is not that they are disturbed by being tickled, its that they are disturbed by having their personal space violated at a time when they have no reasonable expectation that it might.
If this were true, they'd have the exact same anger reaction to someone accidentally bumping into them in a location where they have no reasonable expectation that they might be bumped into. On the contrary. I do not think they would have the same anger reaction. To suggest that it's nothing to do with tickling at all -- just a personal space violation -- regarding people on this website... is not seriously believable.

The outlook, history, and opinion of the receiver are 100% unknown. The giver cannot know what the act will 'mean' to them. And to expect that it will be non traumatic to the receiver (which it will be in upwards of 90% of the cases) is to discount the small percentage of times when it will not be a positive experience for the receiver. And in those cases the act Does harm.

Now that harm is not physical trauma, nor is it even needfully lasting mental trauma, but it is an act that alters the receivers mental state to the negative for a period, and thus has an effect on them that can be deemed 'harmful'. Most simply put, you made someone's day worse through your mindfully chosen action.

Not a huge moral crime, but still one that is not on the positive side of the moral ledger, for it's a case where you've 'done harm' in the pursuit of a personal pleasure. A small thing. But one that some folks see as important when judging a persons character and viewpoint.
I pretty much agree with what you said here. The most salient part to me is where you acknowledge is will not be traumatic for ~90% of the receivers. (I'd say more like >95%, i.e. less than 1 in 20 in the general public who'd have an anger response, but who's counting.) My point is simply that what I'll call <5%, represented by some of the posters here, often don't realize that their response is so completely out of the mainstream. They should. Realizing most people are not filled with rage by a half-second tickle is, I would contend, healthy. It's what I call having a broader perspective -- that means seeing outside your own prism.

For example, a rape victim's ordeal may have begun with the attacker touching her on the arm. For the next several years, she may freak anytime someone touches her on the arm, intuitively feeling like it's an egregious personal space violation -- sincerely feeling that way. It's a good thing for her to know, however, that her emotional response to that stimulus isn't normal, and that her rage after each new arm touch, isn't justified. She should not be assuaged that any new arm touch reaction she has is justified just because she feels it.

Why is it bad to reassure her that her feeling of rage is justified? Because it prevents someone from doing the work to let go of this stuff -- what I call a repressed trauma, what you call simply despising a personal space violation. They can be healed. And abnormal rage reactions don't do anyone any good.
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My life is not pathetic my friend and to indicate this is a direct insult. You are a mean, degrading and severely judgmental person with no remorse whatsoever about people's feelings. Also sounds like you have major anger management issues. "Those without sin may cast the first stone" John 8:7. Grow the f*uck up and have a nice day!

I personally find it amusing that you keep quoting the Bible on a fetish forum- then in the SAME post tell someone to grow the fuck up- very Christian of you...
The issue at hand is not the tickling. The issue is touching a stranger in an uninvited manner without the reasonable expected limits.

I can't say I know if you or your wife respond to situations based on the perceived intent of the other person. You may not factor in what you believe their intent might be.
I'm saying most people do.

That's why pedicurists who make girls laugh don't get punched. And strangers who accidentally bump into people or accidentally touch people in public don't get punched -- even when there was no expectation of a crowded environment.

In all those situations, the perceived intent mattered.

But if it doesn't to you, feel free to punch them all.
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Excellent demonstration, Prime. Bravo!

I've nothing to add to it, but I do want to clear up a couple of things.

Second you do not know my wife so dont patronize her by calling her dear. You do not have that right.
So let's see if I understand this correctly. You have no problems with TMF guys looking at the nude pics of your wife in her profile, but somebody calls her "dear," and suddenly you're claiming territory?

If we are talking about a two second tickle, then yes it is absolutely harmless.
Harmless to you, but again the person doing it does not have the right to decide that.
There's no decision involved. An action is either harmful or it isn't, regardless of what anybody "decides."

"OMG, you're bleeding! You've been shot! I need to get you to the hospital!"

"Excuse me, but you don't get to decide whether or not I've been harmed by this .45 slug in my left ventricle! That decision is mine alone!"
:laughhard: :bwahaha: :rowfull: :blaugh: :jester: :woot: :evilha:

Otherwise nobody would go to prison for rape either.
Not following your "logic" here. Care to explain?

Who said anything about "sexual gratification?" We're talking about tickling somebody briefly, not grabbing boobs or ass.
Again the person receiving it gets to decide that, not the idiot doing it.
Thanks, I got a good laugh at the thought of you calling anybody an idiot. So...the person who receives the two second tickle on her sides gets to decide whether or not her boobs and/or ass have been grabbed? How does that make any sense at all?

Well good for you. If you never get that bad reaction that gets you punched, I have a cookie waiting for you.
No, thanks. I find nothing palatable in your "cookies."

But if you do end up in the ER with a broken nose, please promise to share your story then as well.
I've been doing it for decades and it's never come anywhere close to that. The philosophy of violence to which you and your wife hold is by no means the societal norm. It's off the charts wacko.
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I don't want to take this thread of tickling strangers off topic, but.. to reply to what brotherted said, and also to agree with Myriads.

I'm not on this board because of any tickling abuse in childhood. My tickling fetish didn't develop until adulthood.. at least not that I identified it as a fetish.

Exactly how my fetishes came to be are as follows.

As those who know me are aware, I've had a fetish for women's feet since literally my age of reason.
I used to walk on my toes on my left foot, until having surgery to correct it when I was nine. My parents were so fixated on my feet, that I began to notice women's feet, and around age.. five or six, began to ask every female babysitter to smell their feet. Most thought I was a silly kid, so I usually got away with it.

I didn't even realize fully that women's feet were ticklish, until summer camp, around age.. 12.. when my bunkmates and I tickled two 19 year old girl counselors.

The tickling fetish for me evolved very gradually. In my mid teens, I read some articles about tickling being the "New sex fetish". Such piqued my curiousity about tickling. I began buying leg magazines, and reading articles about both feet and tickling.

In 1997, at age 27, I answered an ad of a straight male pen pal who was into tickling, my late friend Don Fraser, who I've mentioned many times on this board. Around that time, I used to have many female snail mail pen pals. Don and I came up with the idea to ask them all what we used to call "Our Favorite Question" of whether they were ticklish.

We both got many answers about these pen pals ticklishness.

When Don passed away in 2002, I was very upset. I sought to find an online community, where people could talk about tickling, without ending up in trouble for sexual chat, etc. I typed in keyword tickling, found the TMF, ended up here, and have been here ever since. When I joined this forum.. it was maybe 10 or 20 percent of the size it is now.

My tickling fetish had absolutely nothing to do with trauma or anything in childhood. I'm sure my relatives tickled me playfully at times, as most familes do, but I don't remember it at all, and it had absolutely nothing to do with why I like tickling, how my tickling fetish evolved, and how I ended up here.

I hope its okay that I post this. I just wanted to clarify of how/why I got my tickling fetish, and also to refute the argument that having a tickle fetish is always because of being abused by tickling in childhood. As Myriads said, this is not always the case.
I don't want to take this thread of tickling strangers off topic, but.. to reply to what brotherted said, and also to agree with Myriads.

I'm not on this board because of any tickling abuse in childhood. My tickling fetish didn't develop until adulthood.. at least not that I identified it as a fetish.
Hey Mitchell,

Thanks for the thoughtful response.

I have another turn-on fetish you might say, and just as you described tickling for you, this thing only became known to me in my adulthood. I think that's true with lots of fetishes in the world -- people come to them as adults. I don't believe it proves there was no childhood trigger.

In my case, the late-blooming fetish I'm referring to, while having no direct connection to my childhood that I know of, still has a roundabout connection to power and powerlessness issues which does have a connection to childhood. So in my opinion, it can be connected indirectly. I suspect this is the more likely explanation of your attraction to tickling -- I'll call it a "related trauma" scenario.

Second, I'd just say many childhood traumas that we don't remember are still real. Even as adults, some people black out their experiences during rapes, even terrible car crashes, because the mind doesn't want to process it. But especially as kids, when entire years go by that we can't remember, there's no way any of us can say we were never over-tickled. I don't mean to proffer a "no evidence either way as evidence of something" argument, I'm just saying we're all speculating on whether we were over-tickled as kids. We can only say for sure if we remember it.

How might we construct a fair test of my scenario? If someone did a survey of tickle fetishists, (but not who've been reading this string), asking them how many remember being mercilessly tickle tortured as kids, and somehow compare that to a survey of the general population. I know what I think you'd find.

Nice chatting with you.
Lets play your game of breaking up each person's comment and making it fit your needs

Excellent demonstration, Prime. Bravo!

Prime? Was this Optimus a shape shifting truck robot or a type of rib?

I've nothing to add to it, but I do want to clear up a couple of things.

chlamydia, gonorrhoea, genital herpes or genital warts? I hope you fix those soon, I hear they can be a pain.

"OMG, you're bleeding! You've been shot! I need to get you to the hospital!"

"Excuse me, but you don't get to decide whether or not I've been harmed by this .45 slug in my left ventricle! That decision is mine alone!"
:laughhard: :bwahaha: :rowfull: :blaugh: :jester: :woot: :evilha:

Actually there is, if someone is coherent enough to sign a waiver of liability in that situation, they could in fact decide they do not need to go to the hospital.

I've been doing it for decades and it's never come anywhere close to that. The philosophy of violence to which you and your wife hold is by no means the societal norm. It's off the charts wacko.

Lucky for you then you haven't met anyone like us in your creepy endeavors. I just hope that some day you do. That you touch the wrong person and the husband or boyfriend that sees it beats the crap out of you and you spend the rest of your life drinking from a straw. One can only hope.
Also since you care to look at people's profiles and comment on things you do not understand, let me ask you this.....

You relocated to Virginia for career reasons, but are located in Austin TX.

I guess you did not use a map during that relocation because you got really lost. And since you only stated after college, not after gradating college, I presume that you were asked to leave after one day for being caught eating glue in the art studio.
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