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Would you tickle a trans person?

As a trans f 'lee, there are absolutely people willing! I know that it can be hard to find spaces of acceptance sometimes, especially around topics of kink and sexuality, but in my experience it's best to be up front about it and you'd be surprised how much fun you'll have!
Sure.. I would even let a trans person tickle me. Not sure how many trans lers there are out there lol
I've dated a trans woman before (we had to break up due to our jobs not making it work out but we're still very much good friends) so yes, I absolutely would. 😀
Of course I would tickle a trans girl!!! For me it depends on the feeling with the person and the chemistry and attraction.
But I like trans very feminine, with very big feet 😉 👣🌈This is very sexy.
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yah I think so. I never have though. I just haven't met a trans gal to play with.
Like half of my friend group is trans. As a lee, I would challenge any one of them to a tickle fight if they were willing.
I mean it really depends. At my current point in life, no probably not. I don't personally know any Trans people and I am married now so tickling others outside of my wife has kinda come to a halt. I don't see any type of situation or scenario that would set me up to engage with a Trans person in some tickling.

Prior to marriage, it would really depend on whether or not I find them attractive. If I am attracted to them and the opportunity presents itself, then maybe. Can't really give any absolutes until I'm in the situation.
It's a very difficult topic for me. While I generally try to be as accepting as I possibly can be. I have a general issue with trans and gender fluidity.
I'm not sure I'm transphobic per say. I'd do my best if someone in my life was trans to be supportive and use the correct pronouns, But I know to some degree it would bother me and I would still think of that person as they're born gender. I don't like that it bothers me but it's something I've yet to be able to pinpoint and properly accept. Nonbinary being a whole other can of worms.
I mean, I have to agree with the majority on here, I don't see why I would not, again it would depend on chemistry and the connection in generally, but if both of these are good, I would be comfortable with it, I mean I am pretty lay back in general, and its not something I have had the pleasure of doing before, but I would be open to it, for sure! all fair in love and tickling, as they say 😀
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