It's amazing how different everyone's personalities are out there. I smoke weed and drink pretty regularly, and I used to not do either until about four years ago. I went from being a depressed, useless piece of crap before weed, and now I find I'm much more productive and will go farther out of my way to do chores, errands, work, hang out with friends and generally enjoy life more than I was. I constantly wonder to myself how I ever got by without it.
It's especially bad at night, and I think way too much about everything, often over-thinking situations and making them out to be worse in my head than they actually were, I'm constantly worrying family members' health, my health, getting myself worked up making myself think my heart could stop at any second while I'm trying to sleep, and of course whatever social issues there might be at the time, etc., etc.
I still worry about things, but when I'm high, it's like that all takes a back seat and I can just focus on whatever needs to be done, whether it's work or sleep, or whatever.
So does anyone around here get along fine without any sort of substance? I honestly have no idea how you do it, but I commend you for it if you do. If you don't do anything, is it more an issue of morality for you? religion? Just a general lack of need for it?
Just kinda openly thinking about stuff here. And yes, I know it's an escape, some people might think I'm a pussy for having to rely on outside influences to get by, and a lot of the problems stem from me being unhappy with my life and need to figure things out and change things up and yada yada.
It's especially bad at night, and I think way too much about everything, often over-thinking situations and making them out to be worse in my head than they actually were, I'm constantly worrying family members' health, my health, getting myself worked up making myself think my heart could stop at any second while I'm trying to sleep, and of course whatever social issues there might be at the time, etc., etc.
I still worry about things, but when I'm high, it's like that all takes a back seat and I can just focus on whatever needs to be done, whether it's work or sleep, or whatever.
So does anyone around here get along fine without any sort of substance? I honestly have no idea how you do it, but I commend you for it if you do. If you don't do anything, is it more an issue of morality for you? religion? Just a general lack of need for it?
Just kinda openly thinking about stuff here. And yes, I know it's an escape, some people might think I'm a pussy for having to rely on outside influences to get by, and a lot of the problems stem from me being unhappy with my life and need to figure things out and change things up and yada yada.